
Welcome to Traveling Tomes, the book-sharing experience! If you’ve got spare books to share, just upload them to this platform and extend their impact. With each loan, earn points to unlock new reads you're desperate to get your teeth into, all while joining a greener reading community!

A Connected Community

Matthew Syed wrote for The Times that we speak around 30 million times slower than two computers can communicate, but that the human brain is capable of conveying ideas through art and expression that a computer could never process. Traveling Tomes combines these powerful tools, using computers to facilitate the sharing of human intellect and preserving the individual, physical connections we have to the art of literature.


By sharing books instead of purchasing new copies, we reduce the demand for paper production. We also reduce the carbon footprint associated with manufacturing, shipping, and distributing new books. While sustainable book-printing practice is gaining popularity, the associated costs are too high for mass-adoption by publishing companies. As a result, Traveling Tomes' commitment to the environment offers an accessible method of book ownership.

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14, Av. de la Couronne 12
Ixelles, Belgium, 1050